Monday, October 29, 2007


Octover 29, 2007

This WebQuest thing is a fabulous idea!!! I love technology and think I will implement this in a computer class (if I ever teach one).
I decided to do my WebQuest on the Changes of the Earth's Surface. This is a topic covered in Grade 7 science. I focused on how some changes are gradual and some are sudden.
I think it would a great way to combime ICT and my science lessons.
I highly recommended it.
Here si the link to my WebQuest:

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

This Blog was Inspiring!

How do living things change?

In grade one there is a unit devoted to Seasonal Changes. I would use this type of diagram to introduce the concept of seasons and how the changing of seasons influences living things. I think in a lesson I would first discuss with students the four seasons. I would then present this above diagram and start a group discussion as to how plants and animals change based on the season. As these students are young I would likely have them pick one of the categories above and draw a specific season and how a living thing changes during this season. In another lesson I might begin with the below diagram and ask the students input as to what changes happen in their own lives during each of the seasons. If in a classroom with a Smartboard I would show the students how to scroll through the options and select appropriate links that match the answers they provided. For example I would walk the students through how to put a picture of sports in place of the question box (as sport related activities change during the seasons).

Incorporating this software would be very visually appealing to the young audience. I really think that concept mapping has use in the lower elementary grades as it is nice to look at, colorful, and will grab their attention. In higher grades I think it would be a simple way to present somewhat complex information.
I could have created more links and provided the seasonal changes for plants and animals but starting a discussion allows for class discussion. I also thought that having them draw their ideas of changes and living things would incorporate fine arts skills. By presenting the second diagram and requiring a student to make changes via a Smartboard, student will have accomplished ICT goals C.1 (1.1, 1.2). Covering this material will achieve the second and third SLO in the science PoS.
I really enjoyed this software and plan to make great use of it.

Monday, October 1, 2007

Science Activity

Where Can Your Trash Go?

The Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, IL (2003) put together a website that I will use to demonstrate where human waste can go. We all have those questions as to what can be recycled and what can't. This will be fun and help you figure out which bin to throw your trash in. I will use this game called Trash4Kids in a Grade 3 classroom.
I will first place several items on my desk. These items will include common everyday items thrown away. I will tell the students I want them to think about where they think these items should go. Do they belong in the trash or in the recycling bin? I want them to save their answers for after out activity. I will then send the students in groups to available computers (in classroom or computer lab).

This game is fairly simple. Pieces of trash or waste will be scattered on the floor. It is the students job to determine whether these items can be recycled or not. There will also be a series of multiple choice questions to be answered. The students must answer each question. Once the game is done they will come back to their seat and write down where they think the items at the front of the class belong.
I will then go through the game at the front of the classroom using the Smartboard or projection screen. If I have student volunteers I would accept them as well.
Once the game was completed I would ask the students to tell me which items belong where and why.

General Learner Outcomes: This activity reviews sorting waste and being responsible with your garbage.

Specific Learner Outcomes: This activity helps students understand and classify different types of human waste. This game gives an introduction to methods of disposal as well. Students will also become aware of the different types of packaging and what that means for recycling.

ICT Outcomes: This activity I feel achieves ICT outcomes 1.1. During this activity students are required to move the cursor around, click on icons and buttons, as well as move objects around on the screen.
I think using this activity gets children more interested in the subject area. At this level it is difficult for kids to understand things on a global level. I think this is a fun and creative way to introduce them to waste and recycling. It also uses fun visuals and allows them to see what the different materials look like. It also provides facts and is very informative.

Solid Waste Agency of Lake County, IL (2003) Trash 4 Kids [Electronic Version] Retrieved October 1, 2007 from
The Kids Garden (2006) Garden Recycling [Electronic Version] Retrieved Octover 1, 2007 from
It's a Mom's World (2007) Teaching your kids about recycling: Recycling projects for kids [Electronic Version] Retrieved October 1, 2007
Alberta Environment (2005) Get in the Loop (Teacher's Guide) [Electronic Version] Retreived October 1, 2007 form

Comments on Other Student's Blog:
"You have a great number of references and did a lot of research. Nice job! I also really enjoyed the topic. I found it very useful and informative. I think the students would be completely on board and on task. You achieved both the general and specific learner outcomes in a great manner.Excellent Work!
The above quote is what I wrote on another student's blog site. It looked very similar to mine. I was great to read another student's approach. I think I will look at others when doing assignments and discuss ideas and thoughts with other students.